Walking the Post Road

View of Long Island Sound from the bridge over the Oyster River, which forms the border between West Haven and Milford in Connecticut.

“...and me swearing for all the time and money I’d wasted, and telling myself, I wanted to go west and here I’ve been all day and into the night going up and down, north and south, like something that can’t get started.”

Jack Kerouac, On the Road, 13.

Distance Walked in the Entry:  11.24 miles

Total Distance Walked in Connecticut:  97.21 miles

Total Distance Walked for this Project (from Boston):  267.7 miles

Distance Remaining to New York: 78 miles


  1. 1.West Haven Historical Society, Images of West Haven, (Arcadia, 2005), passim.

  2. 2.History of West Haven Connecticut, 1648-1940, a WPA guide published by the town of West Haven in (1940), found in the Ora Mason Branch of the West Haven Public Library.

  3. 3.quoted in History of Milford, Connecticut, 1639-1939, another WPA guide published by the Milford Tercentenary Committee (1939), 65.

  4. 4.Florence Mary Croftus, Guide to the History and the Historic Sites of Connecticut , 2 volumes (New Haven: Yale Press, 1937), Volume II, 560.

  5. 5.George Hare Ford, Historical Sketches of the Town of Milford (New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1914), 21.

  6. 6.Ibid., 19.

  7. 7.History of Milford, WPA, 25.

  8. 8.Ford, 20.